This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert Certification:
Student ID: PA-30398
The files regarding this assignment are:
Among the many encryption algorithm invented up until now, there's one named Tiny Encryption Algorithm
), a block cipher whose implementation is quite simple.
As you may read on Wikipedia,
it was first presented at the Fast Software Encryption workshop in Leuven in
, and first published in the proceedings of that workshop.
operates on two 32-bit
unsigned integers and uses a 128-bit
It has a Feistel structure with a suggested 64 rounds, typically implemented in pairs termed cycles.
It has an extremely simple key schedule, mixing all of the key material in exactly the same way for each cycle.
Different multiples of a magic constant are used to prevent simple attacks based on the symmetry of the rounds.
The magic constant,
is chosen to be [232 / ϕ
⌋, whereϕ
is the golden ratio [...]
On the Wikipedia
page I've mentioned previously there's already a snippet of code containing the functions necessary to encrypt and decrypt data using the algorithm.
The functions are written in C
, so rewriting them in C/C++
is pretty much useless, as they are already there.
For this reason, I've decided to use another language, which this time isn't Python
, but Nim
I've already used the latter for Privilege Escalation and Process Hollowing on Windows systems, so I thought I might as well take advantage of this chance to actually
learn a bit of Nim.
First comes the encryption. Converting the C code into Nim wasn't that difficult, as both of them are statically typed languages.
First, here's the the encryption function I had to convert, taken directly from Wikipedia:
void encrypt (uint32_t v[2], const uint32_t k[4])
uint32_t v0 = v[0], v1 = v[1], sum = 0, i;
uint32_t delta = 0x9E3779B9;
uint32_t k0 = k[0], k1 = k[1], k2 = k[2], k3 = k[3];
for (i = 0; i<32; i++)
sum += delta;
v0 += ((v1 << 4) + k0) ^ (v1 + sum) ^ ((v1 >> 5) + k1);
v1 += ((v0 << 4) + k2) ^ (v0 + sum) ^ ((v0 >> 5) + k3);
v[0] = v0;
v[1] = v1;
As you can see, it is based on XOR
, Circular shifts, and addition operations. All of them are repeated 32 times using a loop.
Follows the Nim
code I wrote for this function, plus some
comments to document what I've learned along the way:
# References for the Encryption function:
# -
# -
# As per the reference, the function accepts the following arguments:
# - 'v': an array made up of 2 unsigned 32-bit integers (hence uint32)
# it contains 8 bytes of data to encrypt
# - 'k': an array made up of 4 uint32 integers, hence a 128-bits key
# it's the encryption key
# As for how to encode data and key to uint32 integers, it's up to you
# In fact, in the original whitepaper I didn't find anything about
# this matter
proc encrypt(v: array[2, uint32], k: array[4, uint32]): array[2, uint32] =
# Variables used by the encryption function.
# Follows the difference between the 'let' and 'var' statements:
# - 'let': After the initialization their value cannot change
# - 'var': After the initialization their value CAN be changed
# Moreover, by default the value of an integer is 0, so it doesn't need
# to be inizialed to 0
# According to the whitepaper:
# > A different multiple of delta is used in each round so that no
# > bit of the multiple will not change frequently. We suspect the
# > algorithm is not very sensitive to the value of delta and we
# > merely need to avoid a bad value.
# > It will be noted that delta turns out to be odd with truncation
# > or nearest rounding, so no extra precautions are needed to
# > ensure that all the digits of sum change.
delta: uint32 = cast[uint32](0x9e3779b9)
k0: uint32 = k[0]
k1: uint32 = k[1]
k2: uint32 = k[2]
k3: uint32 = k[3]
v0: uint32 = v[0]
v1: uint32 = v[1]
sum: uint32
# The algorithm uses 32 cycles (64 rounds) to encrypt data
for i in countup(0, 31):
sum += delta
v0 += ((v1 shl 4) + k0) xor (v1 + sum) xor ((v1 shr 5) + k1)
v1 += ((v0 shl 4) + k2) xor (v0 + sum) xor ((v0 shr 5) + k3)
# Data is returned as an array of 2 uint32 integers, which represent 8
# bytes of encrypted data
return [v0, v1]
As I mentioned in the comments, it's up to you to decide how to encode 8 bytes
of data into 2 unsigned 32-bit integer
values, or so it seemed (please contact me if I'm wrong).
Because of this, I had to write two other functions: one to encode
data, and the other one to decode
Follows the code of the encoding function, the other one (proc decode
) can be viewed here:
# The function 'encode' was written to encode 4 bytes of data into a uint32
# integer, as is needed by the function 'encrypt'
proc encode(shellcode_buffer: array[4, byte]): uint32 =
r: uint32
rotation_offset: int
byte_value: uint32
# I think it's better to explain this function with an example.
# Let's suppose we have 4 bytes: [0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40]
# This function places these bytes inside a 32-bit variable, like this:
# - 0x40302010
# As you can see, the first value is the Least Significant Byte, while
# the last one is the most significant value.
# To perform this operations, I'm using the function 'rotateLeftBits' to
# rotate the bits by 8/16/24 positions to the left.
# In the case of the previous 4 bytes, it would end up like this:
# 1. 0x00000010
# 2. 0x00002000
# 3. 0x00300000
# 4. 0x40000000
# Summing these numbers together, we obtain 0x40302010 (or 1076895760)
for i in countup(0, 3):
byte_value = shellcode_buffer[i]
# Index:
# 0 -> rotation_offset = 0
# 1 -> rotation_offset = 8 (shift by 8 bits to the left)
# 2 -> rotation_offset = 16 (shift by 16 bits to the left)
# 3 -> rotation_offset = 24 (shift by 24 bits to the left)
rotation_offset = 8 * i
var rotatedByte = rotateLeftBits(cast[uint32](byte_value), rotation_offset)
r += rotatedByte
return r
Hopefully the comments I've added to the code are enough.
If they weren't, here's a brief summary: given an array of 4 bytes, e.g. [0x10,0x20,0x30,0x40]
, the function converts them to the integer 0x40302010
, mimicking a Little Endian
Compiling and running the program, it returns the following output:
nim c --hints:off --cpu:i386 -t:-m32 -l:-m32 -l:-fno-stack-protector -l:'-z execstack' encrypter.nim
# [+] Usage:
# ./encrypter --input=shellcode.bin --output=encrypter.bin --key='0123456789abcdef'
./encrypter --input=./shellcode.bin --output=/tmp/encrypted.bin --key='0123456789abcdef'
# [+] Input shellcode: ./shellcode.bin
# [+] Output file: /tmp/encrypted.bin
# [+] Using encryption key: 0123456789abcdef
# [+] Key: 0123456789abcdef
# [+] Encoded key: [858927408, 926299444, 1650538808, 1717920867]
# [+] Shellcode without padding: @[49, 192, 80, 104, 47, 47, 115, 104, 104, 47, 98, 105, 110, 137, 227, 80, 83, 137, 225, 176, 11, 205, 128]
# Length: 23
# [+] Shellcode with padding: @[49, 192, 80, 104, 47, 47, 115, 104, 104, 47, 98, 105, 110, 137, 227, 80, 83, 137, 225, 176, 11, 205, 128, 0]
# Length: 24
# [+] Saving encrypted shellcode to file: /tmp/encrypted.bin
# [+] Decrypted shellcode: @[49, 192, 80, 104, 47, 47, 115, 104, 104, 47, 98, 105, 110, 137, 227, 80, 83, 137, 225, 176, 11, 205, 128]
As regards the decryption of encrypted data, I had to convert the following C
function (again, taken from Wikipedia):
void decrypt (uint32_t* v, uint32_t* k) {
uint32_t v0=v[0], v1=v[1], sum=0xC6EF3720, i; /* set up ;sum == delta*32 */
uint32_t delta=0x9e3779b9; /* a key schedule constant */
uint32_t k0=k[0], k1=k[1], k2=k[2], k3=k[3]; /* cache key */
for (i=0; i<32; i++) { /* basic cycle start */
v1 -= ((v0<<4) + k2) ^ (v0 + sum) ^ ((v0>>5) + k3);
v0 -= ((v1<<4) + k0) ^ (v1 + sum) ^ ((v1>>5) + k1);
sum -= delta;
} /* end cycle */
v[0]=v0; v[1]=v1;
As before, the Nim
code is very similar:
# References for the Decryption function:
# -
# -
# As per the reference, the function accepts the following arguments:
# - 'v': an array made up of 2 uint32 integers
# it contains 8 bytes of encrypted data to decrypt
# - 'k': an array made up of 4 uint32 integers, hence a 128-bits key
# it's the decryption key
# As for how to encode data and key to uint32 integers, it's up to you
# In fact, in the original whitepaper I didn't find anything about
# this matter
proc decrypt(v: array[2, uint32], k: array[4, uint32]): array[2, uint32] =
# According to the whitepaper:
# > A different multiple of delta is used in each round so that no
# > bit of the multiple will not change frequently. We suspect the
# > algorithm is not very sensitive to the value of delta and we
# > merely need to avoid a bad value.
# > It will be noted that delta turns out to be odd with truncation
# > or nearest rounding, so no extra precautions are needed to
# > ensure that all the digits of sum change.
delta: uint32 = cast[uint32](0x9e3779b9)
k0: uint32 = k[0]
k1: uint32 = k[1]
k2: uint32 = k[2]
k3: uint32 = k[3]
v0: uint32 = v[0]
v1: uint32 = v[1]
sum: uint32 = cast[uint32](0xc6ef3720)
for i in countup(0, 31):
v1 -= ((v0 shl 4) + k2) xor (v0 + sum) xor ((v0 shr 5) + k3)
v0 -= ((v1 shl 4) + k0) xor (v1 + sum) xor ((v1 shr 5) + k1)
sum -= delta
return [v0, v1]
The full source code can be found here.
Once I compiled and ran the program, it managed to successfully decrypt the encrypted shellcode, as shown below:
# Compile for 32-bit systems and set the stack as executable
nim c --hints:off --cpu:i386 -t:-m32 -l:-m32 -l:-fno-stack-protector -l:'-z execstack' decrypter.nim
# Show help usage
# [+] Usage:
# ./decrypter --input=encrypted.bin --key='0123456789abcdef' [--output=decrypted.bin] [--execute]
# Decrypt encrypted data
./decrypter --input=/tmp/encrypted.bin --key='0123456789abcdef' --output=/tmp/decrypted.bin
# [+] Input shellcode: /tmp/encrypted.bin
# [+] Using encryption key: 0123456789abcdef
# [+] Output file: /tmp/decrypted.bin
# [+] Decrypted bytes: @[49, 192, 80, 104, 47, 47, 115, 104, 104, 47, 98, 105, 110, 137, 227, 80, 83, 137, 225, 176, 11, 205, 128]
# [+] Writing decrypted shellcode to file: /tmp/decrypted.bin
As you can see, the resulting shellcode, obtained from decrypting the encrypted shellcode, is identical the original one (unencrypted), meaning the program worked correctly.
As regards running shellcode, it is a bit trickier ... maybe more than a bit. There are two problems:
-l:-fno-stack-protector -l:'-z execstack'
).Given I wanted to create a program that simply reads some shellcode (e.g. from a shellcode.bin
file) and executes it, I couldn't use arrays, which are of fixed size, as I've already mentioned.
But I couldn't use sequences either, as the shellcode wouldn't be executable and the program would return SIGSEGV
(Segmentation Fault).
The solution, although not very optimal, was to:
1024 bytes
register (Instruction Pointer) to the address of the first value of the arraySetting the EIP
register was yet another hurdle. I couldn't simply get the address and then jump right to it, but I had to create a function pointing to the address of the first value of the array.
Follows the code that performs the execution of the shellcode, extracted from the program I linked previously:
proc main(): void =
var shellcode_empty_array: array[1024, byte]
for index, byte_value in decrypted_shellcode_bytes:
shellcode_empty_array[index] = byte_value
# get the address of the decrypted shellcode
let shellcode_pointer = cast[ByteAddress](shellcode_empty_array.addr)
# create a function pointing to this address
var run_shellcode : (proc() {.cdecl, gcsafe.}) = cast[(proc() {.cdecl, gcsafe.})](shellcode_pointer)
# in my case the function echo is based on fwrite, so you can set a
# breakpoint on fwrite if you want to check the shellcode:
# gef> b *fwrite
echo "[+] Running shellcode"
To test this new piece of code, I've created a file named shellcode.bin
containing the following shellcode (execve
of /bin/sh
echo -ne "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\xb0\x0b\x89\xe3\x31\xc9\x31\xd2\xcd\x80" > shellcode.bin
If you were to compile the program decrypter.nim
for 32-bit x86 systems, and execute it, it would spawn a /bin/sh
shell, as shown below:
rbct@debian11:~/slae32/assignment/7$ ./decrypter --input=/tmp/encrypted.bin --output=/tmp/decrypted.bin --key='0123456789abcdef'
# [+] Input shellcode: /tmp/encrypted.bin
# [+] Using encryption key: 0123456789abcdef
# [+] Output file: /tmp/decrypted.bin
# [+] Decrypted bytes: @[49, 192, 80, 104, 110, 47, 115, 104, 104, 47, 47, 98, 105, 176, 11, 137, 227, 49, 201, 49, 210, 205, 128]
# [+] Writing decrypted shellcode to file: /tmp/decrypted.bin
rbct@debian11:~/slae32/assignment/7$ ./decrypter --input=/tmp/encrypted.bin --output=/tmp/decrypted.bin --key='0123456789abcdef' --execute
# [+] Input shellcode: /tmp/encrypted.bin
# [+] Using encryption key: 0123456789abcdef
# [+] Output file: /tmp/decrypted.bin
# [+] Decrypted bytes: @[49, 192, 80, 104, 110, 47, 115, 104, 104, 47, 47, 98, 105, 176, 11, 137, 227, 49, 201, 49, 210, 205, 128]
# [+] Writing decrypted shellcode to file: /tmp/decrypted.bin
# [+] Running shellcode
$ whoami
# rbct
$ id
# uid=1000(rbct) gid=1000(rbct) groups=1000(rbct),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),109(netdev),113(bluetooth),118(scanner)
$ exit
As you can see, the program managed to decrypt the shellcode and run it, spawning a simple /bin/sh